November 16, 2011

Style File Friday: Madison Women's Expo

My husband is a hunter so I always find it laugh-out-loud hilarious that this is the weekend, opening weekend, that Thunder Down Under is in the area.  It's almost like a bunch of the ladies in the state will be without husbands and spending time with their girl friends.  :)  But that isn't the event of the weekend, Madison Women's Expo is.  There are a ton of entertaining, educational and just plain fun events planned.  You really should check out the schedule, grab a  friend and head out of the house.  I'd love to hear what you liked the most!

Madison Women's Expo Outfit

Batwing Cardigan: $54
Purple Goose Button Sleeve Tee: $46
Mavi Skinnies: $78
Leather, wood and bead Necklace: $24

~ Lauren

{Know of an event I should feature?  E-mail me with the details lauren(at)shopthepurplegoose(dot)com}

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