June 11, 2010

Summer Starts Today!

Well, for many of the kids it does.  School is out and sun filled days are on the horizon.  Yippie!  For many reasons I always remember this time of year fondly.  Everything is green and blooming, possibilities seem endless and we can play outside!  Then there are the people that make it especially exciting.  My bus driver, Pete, would have a count down to the last day of school at the front of the bus.  Being the first kids on the bus every morning my sister and I had the privilege (and responsibility) of tearing off yesterday's number to reveal today's.  How exciting!  1 day left!  And there would be candy too!  I'm sure you have lovely memories too.  And now so do the kids going through their last day of school!

So, while we look forward to the days ahead and the possibilities that they bring we take a moment to look back and say thank you.  Thank you to the teachers, bus drivers, crossing guards, numerous staff members and everyone else that makes us smile.

A very special thank you to our lovely interns Liz and Ashley!  Best of luck!

...Just a few photos I snapped from around the shop.  I hope they bring you inspiration and the same exciting feeling the kids are experiencing right now!  (Clockwise from top left: flowers in bloom at the Verona shop, "Bless Our Nest" $39, Wax LED light birds $14)

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