April 22, 2011

Style File Friday: Earth Day Happenings

This is always a day that I think about all the things I could be doing to save the earth, make my community better, and be more involved.  It really is quite the list.  I usually end up feeling overwhelmed and downtrodden by it.  So today I am thinking about all the things I have done and continue to do to make this a better place than I found it.
-Last week I planted our 10 arbor day trees.  It's turning into a yearly thing. (psst... Arbor Day is next Friday)
-I've started recycling all of the shops plastic bags.  Every shirt, pant, accessory comes in plastic= lots o plastic.
-I'm consciously buying more locally made items (no plastic bags involved and lower carbon footprint).

What are some of the earth friendly habits, skills or projects that you've done?

Earth Day/Weekend events happening around town:
-Habitat Restore Celebrates: Habitat Restore: Saturday 12-4pm
-Green Fire: Aldo Leopold & a Land Ethic for Our Time: Arboretum: Saturday 1:30-2:30pm
 -Earth Day Clean Up: Warner Park: Saturday 10:30-12:30pm
-Mad City Chicken's: Pinney Branch Library (Cottage Grove Road): Saturday 2:00-4:00

The Earth Day Outfit:

Open Cardigan: 100% Cotton: $36
Skunk Funk Tropical Tan: 100% Cotton: $65
Denim: Cotton Blend: $86
BKW Crystal Necklace: Locally Made: $35

{Know of an event I should feature?  E-mail me with the details lauren(at)shopthepurplegoose(dot)com}

Can't get enough of Style File Fridays?  Check out more here!

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